What to Expect When Visiting
At the Church at Redstone, we are serious about our faith, but we don’t get hung up in the stuff that doesn’t really matter — like what kind of shoes you’re wearing to church or whether you put on a necktie. In fact, you’ll find very few neckties in Redstone! When you come to one of our services, you’ll likely find a lot of friendly, casual people. You’ll also find a lot of visitors, as this is a place where a lot of people go to vacation. The expectation is not that you’ve got the “camping smell” out of your clothes! What we’re really interested in worshiping Jesus Christ. So come as you are!
Our Worship Style
We have a “blended style” of music here at the Church at Redstone. That means on any given Sunday you might hear some Christian worship songs that were written in the last few years, played alongside some old, majestic hymns that we’ve come to know and love. Again, we don’t get hung up in the stuff that doesn’t really matter! Old or new, if it draws us into the worship of Jesus Christ, we probably like it.
Also, the Church at Redstone highly values families. In our worship services, families are encouraged to remain together during the service. We won’t try to shuttle your children off to another part of the church. Kids learn best from their parents, and we strive to make our worship space work for the whole family. That’s why you’ll see a small area in the back of the sanctuary that’s designed as a place for parents to take their young kids when they get a little antsy. We’ve got some fun, quiet toys for kids to play with there. Feel free to use that space as needed.